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Club Soccer

About the MFC Club Competitive Program

The Madison Futbol Club (MFC) is located in North Central Phoenix and is one of the largest volunteer-led youth sports leagues in the valley serving over 2,000 young athletes.  MFC offers both Club Competitive travel and Recreational soccer programs. 

MFC's Club/Competitive teams compete at the highest level within the Arizona Youth Soccer Association (ASA) with several teams ranking in the top 10 for their age group, state-wide.  MFC Club includes both boys’ and girls’ divisions, ages U7 to U17.  MFC Club teams are active in the ASA tournament circuit throughout Arizona, often placing and routinely taking home tournament championships. For 2024/2025 season multiple teams plan on entering tournaments in Nevada, Utah and California.  All MFC Coaches are safe sport certified.

Anticipated Fees for 24-25 Season

Registration - $400 (Includes league play & ASA registration)

Uniform - $175 (We are on year 2 of our 2 year uniform cycle)

Tournament Fees - $350 (Estimated based on  7 tournaments/yr $45-55/tournament - # of tournaments determined on a team by team basis)